Saturday, January 22, 2011

cause you've asked...

Why is the question for silly ole me to blog?--asked myself that too!  I just know that when I am in the midst of ALL the normal country life I get a warm fuzzy feeling!! AND I think everyone should get a chance of that!  I remember when I was a little girl and Grandmother Katie would take me with her to check the wheat crop.... she say "there's nothing like HARVEST. Its such a neat time, watching your land come full circle. Its such a special time."  I can think back on that time and saying to myself "what the HECK is she meaning?" 
NOW with my husband, Ty, we do things together sometimes that brings out that warm fuzzy, touch you clear down to your soul kinda feeling. We go check our cows with their babies.  As the sun goes down on the land and you see the mommas find their young.  You see the other cows babysitting others so the other mommas can feed.  Its life taking place right in front of you...IF you stop long enough to breath it all in! Its simple, its one taking care of another just because its suppose to happen like that. For no other reason than LIFE was given to us to give back!  In the simplest of forms!  Nothing fancy just one taking care of another!  JUST cause we can!
So take a step back, pull up a seat, and take in a deep breath of this country kind of life....JUST cause you can!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Its a lil country girls way of seeing....

Country life is what it is....simple living made up  of what  you put into it!  Isnt life that?  What you give is what you get?  Here in the panhandle of Texas, we love our life... our simple, watch out for your neighbor, got your nose in my business...LIFE! ITS grand!  Slow down, take a look around ya, see whats REALLY in front of you.  Is it worth your time?  It is if its in your take your time my friend, come back and see what i post about this lil ole country girls life!